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Combat Boredom, Win CookieText® and Cash

Cookie Text to the Rescue

No school for the 4th day in a row…and you’re wondering what in the world to do with those children of yours that are climbing the walls.

We challenge them to make a Cookie Text video. We don’t want to put too many parameters on it, but we had to have some rules, so here’s the deal:

  • Entrants must be school age: 4-18
  • Entries should come from within our service/delivery area.
  • Submit a video by uploading to a sharing site like Vimeo or YouTube.
  • Length: At least 30 seconds and no more than 2 minutes.
  • Video should be accurate…ex. use the right names for things associated with the Cookie Text brand, don’t mention a flavor we don’t offer, etc
  • Music is welcome but should be created by you. We can’t use popular music without purchasing the rights to it. So we want to use your stuff!
  • Need props? Let us know what you need and we’ll do our best.
  • Funny? Touching? Silly? All those are good. We are looking for creative, original, and accurate.
  • Submissions imply we can use your work to promote Cookie Text.

All submissions that MEET THE GUIDELINES AND RULES will be considered and the submitting individual/team will get a free CookieText® cookie cake!

Winners Receive

The Winning entry will receive $100 and if it’s submitted via a school/class we’ll donate an additional $100 to your classroom. Unless, of course, you’d rather have more CookieText® cookie cakes!

Deadline for all submissions March 15, 2015

Email your name(s), contact information, and a link to your video to tweet[at]

We are a small operation here and can’t employ lawyers or insurers to validate our contests. Trust that every effort will be made to run a fair and honest and unbiased contest. We will do everything we’ve committed to do in the way of prizes.

So now when they tell you their bored, you can combat boredom, and challenge them with cookies and cash! Please share this post with educators you know in our region who might be able to work this challenge into their curriculum (if we EVER return to school)!