Forgive the manner of solicitation, it’s my speculation that the #hamildocPBS has got me wrought with inspiration and I’m inclined to write in rap and rhyme.
I try not to be an imposition I hope you understand this vision that blinds me into asking for your help.
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So if you are a fan, we request you take a stand, and guide some other shoppers to the light. Take a moment to review any product that you choose that’s on our site.
It’s my speculation, that your shared jubilation will influence perusers on the fence. Help us tip them over, like Rover rolling over, so they can know the joy of sending CookieText.
I know I’m no Miranda, even without your brutal candor, but it’s fun to write in something other than straight prose. I’d appreciate your review, and will email a discount for you, if you write one in the next few days. Not at all a bribe, simply an incentive to transcribe, your happy thoughts of CookieText long gone.
[Simply visit any product on the website you love, scroll down under the photos, click the Review tab and leave a review. We’ll email you a discount coupon for your next order as a thanks for taking the time.]