A friend and customer called the other day to tell me how it occured to her that at Cookie Text we likely have lots of local gossip. I laughed…because it’s actually kind of true. There is a bit of secret-keeping that happens in our cookie kitchen, and I have to admit, it’s often fun to be among the first to know.
I know your first question, have we ever sent a married person a CookieText® from someone who wasn’t their spouse? Well just slow your roll…we’ll address that later.
The good…
We are often among the first to know who got engaged, who is expecting or had their baby, who got into the college of their choice, or who got a promotion. These are fun ones. I always think it’s a special thing to share in someone’s joy, to celebrate with and congratulate them. The mayday calls often come from Moms who recognize the thick collegiate acceptance envelope and hope to get a CookieText® to celebrate with that day.
The bad…
We often find out about new diagnoses, injuries, and the passing of loved ones via orders that come through the site.
One that sticks in my mind is a local grade-schooler who was sustained a bad injury to his face years ago. What stood out for me most with this one was the delivery itself. For some reason I delivered that one, and I remember seeing the father’s face as he answered the door. The man just looked like he had been through the ringer, his shoulders were a bit slumped, and his face almost expressionless. I guess he looked like many fathers would when their child had been through something traumatic, like he was still trying to wrap his head around the experience and aftermath. The boy was another story. He walked up behind his dad and saw the CookieText® with the balloon attached and there was an immediate smile. God bless children and their resilience.
We try to treat the delicate orders and deliveries with the respect they deserve, and consider it a privilege to be called on during difficult times.
Those in the cookie kitchen know who orders for themselves, who ate the one they ordered for their loved one and has to order again to make amends, and who let their friend down and is ordering to try to mend fences.
The ugly…
Now back to the big question: Have we ever sent a romantic CookieText® to a married person that wasn’t from their spouse?
More than once, but fewer than 5 times.
Usually these are sent anonymously. So while we can see the sender’s information, they request that no information about them appears on the label sticker on the box. All the ones we’ve ever sent out were delivered to workplaces not homes.
Now mind you, we were surmising this wasn’t the spouse and something a little sketchy was going on, we didn’t have proof. As they say, when it looks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, it’s usually a duck.
The information we get when someone places an order is not our news to share. I don’t think any of us find it particularly hard to keep things to ourselves, plus usually the information becomes common knowledge soon enough. We do post CookieText® pictures on our social media accounts, we do our best not to use any kind of identifiers unless we have permission.
We need our employees to be team players, friendly, and hard-working. But don’t be surprised if you come for an interview and the first question is: Can you keep a secret?