The Summer Slowdown
It’s July. Our slow time. My hands stop moving and my brain begins to operate on overdrive:
Why is it slow?
We need consistency?
What’s the magic bullet that’s going to make this business boom?
Am I doing all I can?
I have to be more organized.
I’ll try ____ kind of marketing.
All that runs through my head, then, honestly, I take a nap. It’s like my brain has so much going through it that I shift into hibernation mode to preserve it for the busy times, and then no action is taken on any of the stuff that was swirling around.
So I’ve decided that the best way to actually GSD (Get Sh&t Done) is sheer commitment and determination. I need to add structure to my day so that I have a specific amount of time that I am at my desk working on the business, not in the kitchen working on cookies.
Because that’s how it works for me: I get the cookies out, and then I prioritize the rest of my life based on which fire needs to be put out the soonest, or (more honestly) which one is more fun to extinguish.
Clearly for me it’s more fun to take the boys to the store for running shoes than it is to work on payroll. It’s more exciting to look for a new couch than it is to organize my invoicing system…
So, I started this week with goals. One of them being that I will write for 20 minutes a day. So today gets a gold star, because I am writing this right now. Some of the goals are personal, the others are CookieText related.
A cool sidenote here is that my oldest then grabbed a pad and scribbled down some goals for his week.
What’s that they say? A goal without a deadline is just a dream…or something like that.
Big Goals:
Be a good mom.
Grow my business this year.
In that order.
Small Goals:
Be a good mom.
Organize my invoicing system by Friday.
Also in that order.
So I’m over here making use of the summer slowdown by trying to enjoy my boys, improve my systems, and not hibernate. Meanwhile I hope you are over there having a great summer.
It could be an even better summer if you were eating a CookieText.
Okay, that was a cheap shot, but funny. You can’t blame a gal for trying;). Now go GSD.